What is suffering? How does repression work eliminate suffering?

What is suffering?

Suffering is resistance to what is. In other words, suffering is preferring/wanting another experience than your current experience.

This therefore means, that the absence of resistance is happiness. Said in another way, happiness is allowing everything to be exactly as it is.

The substance of suffering is resistance.

Without resistance, suffering cannot exist, regardless of the intensity of the current experience.

This is because no experience is inherently painful or unpleasant. What makes an experience painful or unpleasant is the desire to avoid your current experience or to seek another imagined better experience. 

Repression and suppression is synonymous with resistance

Repression is the automatic and unconscious habit of resisting a certain experience (f.ex. Unconsciously resisting the experience of sadness).

Suppression is the conscious resisting of a certain experience (f.ex. Knowingly avoiding feeling anger trough distracting yourself).

This means that repression and suppression are made out of resistance.

There are two layers of resistance in our experience.

One layer of resistance, is the resistance to tight, dense, or tense physical body sensations (usually taking the form of contractions). This resistance to the contraction, intensifies the contraction/creates another layer of contraction (secondary contraction) upon the primary contraction. This means that the secondary contraction is made of the resistance to the primary contraction.

The primary contraction (the first resistance that we create as we grow up, but secondary resistance in our current experience) is resistance to feeling and expressing a certain feeling energy (usually an emotion, but can be other energies also such as sexuality, masculinity, power, etc.).

Reversing repression, means eliminating resistance, which means eliminating suffering.

Reversing repression directly works on removing the root of suffering, which is resistance, by working with repression barrier. The repression barrier is the habitual energetic resistance that block or stop the free flow of a certain feeling energy.

Repression commands is the translation of the non-verbal energetic resistance (that makes up the repression barrier)into language. Therefore, repression commands is the symbolic representation of the specific form your energetic resistance takes (f.ex. Hold back anger, hide your hurt, I’m afraid of getting hurt, I can’t express sadness, I don’t want to let go of my anger, etc.).

The repression barrier is what holds the automatic habit of repression in place.

What is the way to let go resistance/dissolve the repression barrier?

Resistance can only be let go by feeling it fully. The only way out is trough.

The key is to fully make conscious and feel the energetic resistance that makes up the repression barrier. By consistently (trough daily practice) making conscious and embracing our resistance, the repression barrier gradually weakens (our resistance dissolves), until the habitual pattern of repression no longer exists. By embracing the repression barrier, I mean allowing yourself to become the resistance, to fully embody the energy of the repression barrier, until it naturally dissolves/transmutes.

Ultimate goal of repression work

The ultimate goal of this process is to become e a pure vessel trough which all bodily energies can flow with no resistance. Of course, we may never get to this place in our lifetime, but this is the direction we are working towards in repression work.

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